Operation and Maintenance
Operation and Maintenance includes weekly cleaning of the Modules, Physical Checking of the Entire Solar Infrastructure. A Log Book shall be maintained by us wherein customers signature will be accrued to confirm the cleaning of the Solar panels. There will be 5% escalation year on year.
Scope of Operation & Maintenance
Monthly Activity:
Ø ! Visual Inspection of Modules, Inverter, ACDB, Array Junction box, cables etc.
Ø ! DC Voltage and Current testing string level.
Ø ! Inspection of Connections and Connectors.
Ø ! Meter Reading.
Ø ! Monthly Reports
Ø ! 1 visit per month.
Ø ! Live monitoring
Ø ! Daily report/Monthly report
Ø ! Root cause of less generation.
Annual Activity:
Ø ! DC Voltage and Current testing module level.
Ø ! Inverter functioning and health testing.
Ø ! DC and AC cables inspection.
Ø ! Structural visual inspection.
Ø ! Annual Plant report.